Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why is it important to make sure your facts are correct when writing research?

It is important to make sure your facts are correct when writing research because when you post it online or put it in a text the hole world can see what you posted, and when People want to look up an answer to a question and they look through a text book or online and they read your answer you are telling them the wrong thing. So it is important to make sure you have the right facts.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!

I love going to my aunts house to eat that Thanksgiving dinner!

The Pumpkin Pie, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, and the Turkey is great!

My family all gathers in on place and spends time together and be thankful

We pray then finally eat!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!!