Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Forest

Trees standing tall
Sunlight peeks through leaves
Birds chirp as the crickets sing
in this forest half the world's
plants, animals, and insects
live in harmony
the wind sets in all motion
and makes things come to life
the Earth provides nutrition
to all living thing
everything grows
piece by piece
a single tree
a single rose
can provide one with many things
a home filled with friends
and family

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Project

Things you would need

1. Friends
2. Vampires
3. Werewolves
4. Edward
5. Jake
6. Dad
7. Love
8. Forest
9. The restaurant
10. The Collens

Step 1 :
Never leave Edwards side.

Step 2 :
Never leave Jake's. He is a good friend that could help you with your problems.

Step 3 :
Don't mess up, 1 mess up could change your entire life!

Step 4 :
Don't do anything stupid. (Like when you tried to go cliff diving) that almost killed you.

Step 5 :
Think things through.

Step 6 :
Stick with your friends, They protect you with everything the got. Even their life. (the cullens)

~ Maxcine

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Lucky Dove!

I was one of the few that survived the oil spill,
How did i survived?
a young lady happened to find me laying on the shore.
She was a nice caring girl.
She cleaned me up, and gave me everything i needed to feel better.
I learned that her name was Erica. She named me Lucky,
she told me that she gave me the name because i was lucky she has found me, and i survived.
I had lived with her until the 8th of August.
That morning she told me to go. She said that i didn't need her any more.
She picked me up and walked outside and set me down where she found me.
It was hard to leave her. But that life.. i guess.
Every now and than we run into each other, but she doesn't know its me. ( she thinks its just an ordinary dove )
It was a sad life for me ever since i left..
But just seeing her makes me feel happy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Brendan! :-)

Today is my brother's Brendan's Birthday! :]
He is now turning 15!
i Am thankful for having a wonderful brother like him!
He's always there for me,
and he's always been so caring.
Brendan is the best brother i could ever ask for!
I Love you Brendan!
And Happy Birthday! :]

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shadow Hero

Things a shadow hero does.
1) eats
2) Wears a disguise
3) robs a bank
4) runs away
5) gets caught
6) goes to Court
7) Then jail .
8) gets out of jail
9) Does the same thing all over again!!

Its always the same thing for Shadow Heros. ( Should be called Shadow "Villian" )

Kinda like Plankton from Spongebob SquarePants.